Is discipline vital for innovation?

Darlington Workspace - Growth Lab

Growth Lab: Darlington

Growth Lab: Darlington is a series of workshops aimed at making business growth easier to understand and achieve. Each month, we’ll demystify a different topic by translating business terminology into straightforward language to reveal the real opportunities awaiting your business.

Join us the first Thursday of every month at Innovation Central to uncover powerful tactics, meet local businesspeople who’ve tried and tested them and explore the difference they could make to your own growth.

Innovation and personal discipline

It’s so easy to get caught up in the here and now. Trying to solve the issues that keep us awake at night with short-term fixes. Or addressing near-term opportunities without thinking of the big picture.

But could living in the moment be having a detrimental effect on your business, health and personal life? Imagine what could happen if you became more disciplined in your approach to the future…

Next event // 7th March 2024 / 9:30am - 11:00am

What I’ve learned about innovation

Simon Crisp, Director, Edward Robertson

A determined and conscious shift in focus has transformed Simon’s business and his life. By keeping his eye firmly on the prize, Simon has begun to reap big rewards from his decision-making and disciplined approach to the future. The Business Central office he runs has benefitted from innovation in staff development, profitability, cost management and customer value.

In this frank and honest conversation with Growth Strategist Graham Robson, Simon will open up about the significant changes he’s made in his personal life that have created a healthier future for him and his business. He’ll share the challenges he’s overcome so far on his own growth journey to help you on yours.

Simon Crisp, Director, Edward Robertson

“Discipline plays a huge role in innovation. By adopting the self-discipline to consider the long-term, exciting things begin to happen. Simon is a living example of this, having innovated one step at a time to create a healthier business and happier life. We can all learn from Simon’s journey to realise his true potential.”

Event facilitator Graham Robson, Growth Strategist at Business Doctors


Fuel up first with a bit of breakfast before the main event, facilitated by Graham Robson and Debbie Simpson. Afterwards, there’s a chance to network and meet others who can support your growth with information and opportunities.

The Growth Lab programme covers 6 growth tactics in 6 months. Each guest speaker will explore one or more of these topics at each event.

“It’s so important to keep learning when you’re in business. These events are a great way to explore topics that could bring big benefits by helping you to stay ahead of the curve, spot new opportunities and expand your network. If you’re keen to grow, we’ll connect you to peers, people and projects that can help.”

Event facilitator Debbie Simpson, Innovation Adviser at North East BIC

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